Welcome To Our Live Culture Community

An online book – music – movie club

What is the Live Culture Community?

The Live Culture Community is an online club where members  share what they have been reading, listening, and viewing (both recent and past). Each member has their own page, where they can post their information (with comments). Fellow members will be allowed to view and comment on fellow member entries.

To our members, our site has “culture” in the title, but please do not construe that  all your page content has to be reflective and serious. If some of your content is weighty and profound, great!. If some is humorous and clever, great! If you only read non-fiction, good! If you read booth  non-fiction and fiction, that’s even gooder! We want your high brow – low brow – no brow,  from Tolstoy to ClancyMozart to ManilowCasablanca to Francis The Talking Mule. Enough said.  Be creative. Have fun with it! 

We encourage online interaction. We want it to be more than just a listing site. It will give you an opportunity to “let your creative juices flow”, “vent your spleen”, “unstick your craw”.

*Non-members  are welcome to view our site and member pages, but will not have access for input or comments.

Questions I would ask if I were you!

Who can view the site and who has access to the content?

The general public can view our site, but only members have access to the content pages. 

How do you become a member and is there a secure process for your accessing your member content?

Members are by invite only (it’s my club!). Each member will have a login code with their own password, which gives them  access to their content and access to comment on fellow member entries.

Does each member have their own input area?

Each member will have their individual input  page. An input form is provided for each entry. On your page you  can list what you have been reading, watching and listening to (past and present). In the comments section, you are encouraged to share your likes/dislikes, make recommendations (or not), and for movies, give ratings.

Are members allowed to comment on fellow members content?

Yes! There are input areas for members to comment on fellow members content. Members are encouraged to view and make comments on fellow member pages. You can agree/disagree, online neck wrestle, be serious, be funny, and maybe even be interesting.

Scary Huh!


Are there any rules?


    Yes, only four …. (at present):

  • Be honest
  • Be civil
  • No profanity 
  • Have some fun with your page and  your comments

Type of information members are asked to provide


Members will be asked to share and comment on their recent and not so recent books they have read (100 max). There are also areas for listing all time favorite books (10 max), favorite authors (5 max) and favorite book quotes (3 max).


Members will be asked to list and comment on their favorite songs/albums (5 max),  Music you like to listen to (5 max), and most memorable lyrics. (3 max). 


Members will be asked to list and comment on recently viewed movies (5 max), all time favorite movies (5 max), and  memorable movie lines (3 max)