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Books you have read recent or past (100 Max)

  • Title: To Kill A Mockingbird

    Author: Harper Lee

    Comments: This is the only book I have read more than twice, maybe four times. (I even picked it up in a free library box in Provence and read it while traveling.) It never ceases to amuse me, with its child narrator candor, story line, dialogue, character development. 50 plus years since publication. I would vote it for the whole country to read together, like One Nation, One Book.

    • Author
    • #2231
      Rosemary Duggins

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All time favorite books (10 Max.)

  • Title: The Girl with the Louding Voice

    Author: Abi Dari

    Comments: A modern day novel set in Nigeria, with the 14 year old protagonist struggling to escape her arranged marriage to an old man with several other wives, her human trafficking experience in Lagos, and her attempts to win a scholarship to allow her to go back to school. I was again reminded of how blessed we are as Americans and all that we take for granted; freedom, food, housing, education, hope.

    • Author
    • #2233
      Rosemary Duggins

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Favorite Authors (5 Max.)

  • Author: C.S. Lewis

    Comments: This man has changed me more than any other author. I have been challenged to think through his fiction and non-fiction works.

    • Author
    • #2235
      Rosemary Duggins

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Favorite book quotes (3 Max.)

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Best opening lines from a book  (3 Max)

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microphone, boy, studio

Favorite Songs or Albums (10 Max.)

  • Song: trois gymnopedie,

    Artist: Eric Satie

    Comments: Not sure of the spelling, but the music leaves me spellbound. I have told my children to play it for me as I lay dying, and I will know they are in the room with me. Blood, Sweat and Tears made a variation of it on their album. Satie was a french romantic, early 20th century.

    • Author
    • #2230
      Rosemary Duggins

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What Music Do You Like To Listen To: Artist or Group or  Style

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Favorite song lyrics (3 Max.)

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All Time Favorite Movies (5 Max.)

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All Time Worst Movies (3 Max.)

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Desert Island 

background, beach, beautiful

If you were stranded on a desert island, and you had a choice of a person to be stranded with, who would it be? (List 3 choices)

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